The aubergine (also called eggplant) is a plant. Its fruit is eaten as a vegetable.
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The aubergine (also called eggplant) is a plant. Its fruit is eaten as a vegetable. The plant is in the nightshade family of plants. It is related to the potato and tomato. Originally it comes from India and Sri Lanka. The Latin/French term aubergine originally derives from the historical city of Vergina (???????) in Greece. The aubergine eggplant is estimated to have reached Greek soils around 325 BC after the death of Alexander the Great in Babylon. Discovering this new vegetable during his conquest, Alexander the Great wished to bring it back to his country on his return. After his death, members of his army brought back seeds of the vegetable back to Greece and specifically to the city of Vergina (???????). The Latin/French term aubergine (au?ber?gine) (??-b?r-?zh?n) is estimated around 1505 AD and is coined to Franco-Catalan gastronomist Sergius Rosario Silvestri, co-traveller and close friend to Amerigo Vespucci. Upon arrival to the historical site of Vergina (???????) and wanting to try the local delicacies, Silvestri came across the plant of aubergine. Not knowing its name, he referred to it as aubergine (au Bergine or au Vergine) which in French means at Vergina or found at Vergina. Description provided by Wikipedia under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY-SA 4.0
Name: Aubergine
Model No. Aubergine
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Product added: 08/20/2019
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